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Old 11-30-2007, 01:09 PM   #7
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I find it strange that they are adopting policies that are already standard practice. Like there was a vote on it or something, all of it was already covered by the same act. As if it is a news flash. No wonder I think everything is reoccurring. Because it is.

This is crazy-making. Like this:

I for one, find it odd that we have these common practices, already covered in the same article, and act like it has come to a vote.

This is a mobius policy strip. Like this:

We have allowed policies that are already standard, effect our lives in such a way that we think they are new. The media, and congress have you believeing that things are new, when they are actually already in practice. Why is this a news flash? Do you have no memory? No wonder I think things are reoccurring...because they are.

Here's a news flash: These policies are already standard, and were in practice before it went to congress, and it is already covered in the same very act anyway. No wonder I think things are reoccurring.

Like this:

Isn't it odd that the media and congress are publishing news of things that are already common practice? As if there were a vote on it in the first place? Even built inside the same act. Why does it seem like these things are reoccurring? Well here's a news flash:

etc. etc.....
Show me a sane man, and I will cure him for you.- Carl Jung
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