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Old 12-17-2007, 07:15 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 36
Is being gay morally wrong?

Touchy subject... but then again what is philosophy if its not controversial?

none the less, I think that a philosophy section should discuss matters of such import, especially when a User named Cicero frequents this area of the forum regularly.

on with this post,

According (well as far as i know, he never thought about homosexuality, which helps this post, because it means he theory is less going to be affected by the views of Christian church at the time)to one of histories greatest philosophers, Immanuel Kant, using his moral theory, homosexuality is morally wrong because it universalises the axiom that (putting it simply) we should all have homosexual sex.

he would argue that this creates a contradiction, in that by everyone having homosexual sex, we fail to reproduce, no therefore in time can no longer have homosexual sex.

So using Kants moral theory, we have concluded that being (in Kants eyes) homosexual is wrong.

but where do you stand?, more importantly at this time, where do I stand?

really in answer to that, i have no real answer, none at least that can be justified.

my feeling currently is that Homosexuality isn't morally wrong, taking some morally liberal view, in essence live and let live.

So where do you stand?

Do you believe that homosexuality is against god?
Do you think that homosexuality is the preserve of the rich?

Lets hear it.

(also a little note, yes the poll is cool, but if you could vote and then reply even if you answer was Yes or No, because opinions aren't worth much not backed up)
Is it possible to go off topic in a Philosophy forum?

Answers on a postcard please.

Last edited by Kerotan; 12-17-2007 at 07:29 PM.
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