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Old 12-21-2007, 04:36 AM   #1152
to live and die in LA
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 2,090
I'm grading thesis papers.

20 students x 30 pages each = 600 pages of pure padded drivel.

Remember when I used to be a rockstar, instead of a professor? That was awesome. I wanna go do that again. This whole settling down, having a family, being home to put the kids to bed, making a decent living is great, but some days I wish I were back snorting lines of coke off the naked thighs of the headliner's lesbian girl-toy, while David Foster tries to explain to the hotel security why it's nobody's f'ing business if he wants to park his Mercedes in the lobby with a dead hobo in the trunk.

I tell you what, kids, those were the days. At least, that's how I remember them. Oh well, back to grading.
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to live and die in LA
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