Thread: Betting tips
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Old 12-21-2007, 09:12 AM   #699
Join Date: Apr 2006
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You see?
The Steelers game last night was the perfect example of a team who does not hold have its priorities straight.
If you want to compete in the playoffs, you have to have a team to do so.
Pittsburgh NFL leading Running back Willie Parker broke a bone in his leg last night. Even Ben hurt his knee. The Steelers weren't much to begin with coming into the playoffs, but now? Whats the point?
You have to protect your stars.
The teams that rest their players, are the teams that participate in the superbowl, look at last year. Both the Colts and the Bears began resting after week 7.

Portis was limited in all the Redskins games till Washington started needing wins, since then, he leads the whole NFL.
Most of all though, this year? The Chargers and the Colts have been seriously taking it easy both on defence and offence.

Lets see what the Cowboys do this Saturday against the Panthers.
Rest or play? Should they play? It would damage the Cowboys chances for the NFC Championship.

Lets see Seattle's game against Baltimore this Sunday.
(Seattle winning out or loosing the season would make no difference whatsoever to Seattle's playoff road)
Everyone should rest for the Seahawks, including some of the back-up players, this should be an easy Ravens win....Unless of course the Ravens wanna lose for a better draft pick.
Either way, it should be close.
A Ravens bet looks like free money against the -10.5 spread

Bet on the Ravens!!
pls stfu k thx
W.HI.P is offline