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Old 05-05-2003, 11:45 AM   #1
Your Bartender
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Valedictorian-to-be sues

OK, check out this story and then share your thoughts... but...... this is going to be hard...

I want you to ignore the lawsuit. Just forget it exists.


Because commentary on this story has essentially boiled down to, "oh, spoiled brat judge's daughter, something goes wrong and she files a lawsuit. Whine whine whine what a crybaby."

I'd like to leave aside the issue of whether a lawsuit is a good or appropriate way to deal with this situation (I would submit that it's not--for several reasons, one being exactly this unsympathetic press coverage), and examine the issue of whether this girl has a beef. Is there actually something wrong with the school naming a co-valedictorian? Why or why not?
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