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Old 05-05-2003, 07:25 PM   #2
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: NEW YORK
Posts: 2
Smile Re: Poem: What Are You About?

Originally posted by sycamore
When I first asked for my own forum, one of my original plans was to debut new poetry I write here. (Yes, I write.) I look at it as a way for people to not only see my work, but it allows me to discuss the work with others in a public forum.

I haven't written anything new in 2 years, for whatever reason. I guess I haven't felt inspired in recent times, though I am starting to feel those writing pangs again. In any case, I started this poem while living in DC, then finished it shortly after I moved to Philadelphia. I never posted it to my site, as I feared it might raise red flags with Tripod. Other than a private viewing on my old Sycamoreland mailing list, I've never shared it with others. But after the development of the Tasteless Jokes thread, I figured...why not?

So, without further ado, I present...


As I step into the slate and navy netherworld
I look at the faces that travel with me
And I can't help but wonder where they've been
And where they're going
And I look at each one of them and think to myself,
trying to figure out their role on this planet
Maybe you're a stockbroker
Maybe you're just praying to make it through another day
Maybe you work in a nice office building by Independence Hall
Maybe your car broke down and your pissed off that you're riding the subway
What are you about?
Maybe you believe that the world is ending with the coming of Jesus
Maybe you believe in the destruction of an inferior nigger race
Maybe you silently pray for the total destruction of the cracker
Maybe you despise the male pig world
Maybe you think your girlfriend should cook, clean, and spread her legs open
Maybe you believe the voices in your head are preparing for revolution
What are you about?
Maybe you just won the lottery and are going to moon your boss at the company christmas party
Maybe you're a serial child rapist on your way to stalk kids at an elementary school
Maybe you wanted to call off work today and go fishing
Maybe you are off to see your mistress at her place of business while your wife is at home nursing a sick child
Maybe you're a Democrat
Maybe you're a Republican
Maybe you're a fascist Neo-Nazi sympathizer
Maybe you feel bad that you actually voted for Nader
What are you about?
Maybe you're finally listening to your mother
Maybe you're finally believing in yourself
Maybe you thought Cher's comeback was all bullshit
Maybe you think Marilyn Manson is Jesus
Maybe you're off on a flight that will plunge into the icy waters of the Atlantic
Maybe you just want to get to work and do a good job and have a good day
Maybe you're hungry for biscuits and gravy
And then you see me
You see me staring at you intently and then you wonder
What am I about?

written by T L Blastenbrei
(c) 1999, 2000, 2002 Screaming Notebook Publishing
danger....danger.... poetry scams
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