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Old 01-26-2008, 11:42 PM   #14
Cantankerous Incantonator
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 57
The most interesting detail to me about the whole hoopla is that no actual obscenity was ever present on the roof. The actual roof reads as it does in the accompanying article -- "F_ck", underscore and all.

See here for an undoctored photo.

So you wind up with news reporters breathlessly flapping about obscenities, uninformed government schmucks making stupid comments, and a whole barrel of monkeys -- all operating under the mistaken premise that there's an actual obscenity present.

Oh, and did you catch the sly dodge in the news article? How the article itself contains the actual text of the sign -- F_ck -- but the picture is doctored to protect our poor little eyes from the blasphemous f-word which doesn't exist? All to make it seem like it's worse than it really is?

News media, grar!
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