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Old 02-09-2008, 09:40 PM   #55
Urbane Guerrilla
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Join Date: Jul 2002
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Our problem with Hillary is that her political instincts were molded by Saul Alinsky and developed in a one-party state, the state being Arkansas, to produce a boomer Socialist. I'm a late boomer myself by most reckonings of the baby boom generation, and I escaped that fate, lucky me. If they don't nominate her, that will help shut her up and save the Republic into the bargain. If they do, it will be my exquisite pleasure, and what I conceive to be my duty to my Republic, to vote against her. Since I don't live in New York, I haven't previously had the opportunity. She embodies the approach to the Nanny State that contaminates the entire upper echelon of the Democratic Party and grates upon my libertarian sensibilities. And if Obama's any better about that, I have not heard word one about it.

He's charming and well spoken, but so was la Clinton's husband. It was really too bad how that one kept enough of the electorate fooled to give him a second term of office instead of the turning out his character made him deserve. We can thank Heaven he didn't get to do a good many of the things he wanted to do.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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