Thread: Alopecia
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Old 02-17-2008, 06:27 PM   #7
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Originally Posted by Aliantha View Post
Ah ok. I thought your son was younger for some reason. That's a pretty rough deal for him still though.

Sorry my only idea wasn't much good to you.
I really appreciate your trying. Jeff does ok in many ways. He has a real part time job, and we all go on vacation together. In a few months he's going to Vegas with us. We have been to meetings with parents there whose kids are almost %100 disabled and have an almost zero quality of life. Jeff is otherwise healthy and employed and seems mostly happy, so we count our blessings. It just sucks when your kid hits a roadblock that you are powerless to help them with.

I am hoping that Jeff will let it go and get his head shaved. Seeing him try to hang on to what's left is the worst part of it, but it's important that we don't try to force choices on him in something like this.
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