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Old 02-20-2008, 04:26 PM   #85
trying hard to be a better person
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Originally Posted by lookout123 View Post
most schools that require uniforms are very specific about what is allowed for boys/girls right down to length of hair and color of pants.

maybe my opinion on this is tainted because i have serious doubts about the origin of this kid's gender concerns. he's a kid. kids are always confused and curious. that doesn't mean you have to salute everything they run up the flagpole. my opinion is that if the kid sat his parents down and told them he wanted to be a girl, they should have been compassionate and non-judgemental and told him that's ok, but for now he's a boy and needs to live as a boy. when he is older and more capable of understanding the ramifications of this, then they can explore the possibilities, but now? doesn't make sense to me.
I get what you're saying lookout, but if our society wasn't so judgemental of people who choose to be different (or simply just are different), there would be no ramifications and I think that's the point the myself and others are trying to promote. Allow it, and bust one more barrier for those kids who have to pretend they're something they're not till they're old enough to know what they are.

I don't know about you, but I always knew I was a girl who liked boys. Why is it so hard for people to accept that most kids do know what they are.

In fact, I'd go further even and say that if our society weren't so stifling, there'd be a lot more kids out there who'd choose to dress other than how society says they should.
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