Thread: Do Good Deeds
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Old 02-26-2008, 07:41 PM   #11
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
yes, ewww.....this thread has turned smutty.
*blinks* this from the king of smut?

Yesterday I spent 45 minutes sitting in an old lady's house letting her ramble on about a bunch of stuff that I can't do anything about as her councillor. She'd contacted me about some vague problems she was having with kids kicking a football around outside. I think she just wanted someone to talk to. So, I had a cup of tea and looked at her photographs of her grandchildren (who live in Auckland) and commiserated with her on the lack of manners in young people today. She seemed quite perky by the time I left.

Last week I loaned £100 to a friend of my mum's (an asylum seeker who's recently been given permission to work) so he could buy a suit and a one month travel pass and a new pair of shoes for his new job. I can't exactly afford it (especially given recent trips to the vets :P) but it was nice to be able to help out.
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