Thread: Leadership
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Old 02-28-2008, 02:54 AM   #14
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 1,555
Ahaha, digging works. I just wanted to rant tonite and say unassertive people cannot be good leaders. I'm in this one dance scene at school, and the actual show is in 2 days, and tonite we had practice from 10pm-2am because our scene is so far behind in the show. The coordinators don't assert themselves to get things done, they are too nice about picking dancers for each dancers, gosh I just want to frickin' complain about how the coordinators for this scene suck and shouldn't be coordinating. I mean they don't make cuts to people who don't even show up to practice, they openly discuss "who wants to do this?" way too late, the show is in two damn days. GODDAMNIT makes me so pissed off at how crappy our scene will look because no one has assertiveness to get shit together.

If you aren't assertive, you can't be a good leader, bottom line.
Rant, done.
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