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Old 10-08-2001, 04:13 PM   #26
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Remove Support for Israel?

Originally posted by Undertoad
Also, here's a question for ya... what would happen if we withdrew all support for Israel and left it to its own deeds? It might just go nuts, and it does have the resources to fight and probably win a war. Maybe the real reason we stay in the area is to stick our two cents in trying to prevent that war?
Previous US administrations have quietly removed Israeli governments by removing support. A primary example is the racist Likud government of Yitzhak Shamir. This right wing extremist would have destroyed the Persian Gulf coalition if he attacked Saddam in 1991. He did not care and prepared to attack Iraq because his extremist 'Likud' emotions were more important than logical thought. He was an extremist interested only in his (and his party's) self serving interests.

But Shamir was not done being obstructionist. In classic Likud (the party of racists) style, he absolutely refused to participate in the 1991 Madrid peace conference. How many remember the news of that period? Shamir outrightly refused to go to Madrid. Then George Sr began applying pressure. So Shamir relented at the last minute saying that he would only send his foreign minister. After all, Likud even talking in the same room as Palestinian dogshit? Again George Sr. put pressure (James Baker was excellent here). Finally Shamir reluctantly agreed to go to Madrid, but even then arrived late.

Being late was a message to his own party that he did not arrive of his own free will. That message did not help. Likud support disappeared because he no longer represented the Zionist principals of Likud.

Shamir was removed as Prime Minister. US does have influence against extremist, right wing Israeli politicans. Moderate Israelis voters rallied to install the legendary Yitshak Rabin as Prime Minister. Because Rabin was not Likud, the Oslo Accords could began in earnst.

Racist Zionists dominate Likud party. They fear any peace process. More important, they fear UN Resolution 242 which the legendary Rabin affirmed. That affirmation probably was the reason for his murder. Likud all but had Rabin murdered to terminate something they don't want - UN 242. What resulted from racist and zionist Israeli voters who absolutely fear 242? The petty theif Netanyahu as PM.

Extremists create instability. Therefore moderate Palestinians were driven to act - the intafada. What inspired moderates to become extremist intafada supporters? Another extremist and obstructionist racist: Netanyahu. Under Netanyahu, all Oslo Accords were obstructed at every turn. It is why Arafat, in Clinton's Camp David, had to demand every detail be agreed in advance. Likud soured the previous Oslo Accords by changing the settlement each detail at a time.

How active was the US in removing the racist party leader Shamir? James Baker in a speech directly before the AIPAC (the American Lobby for Israel) convention denounced Shamir's belief that Israel should hold onto the West Bank and Gaza. Baker's speech was a direct and destructive attack on Shamir. Baker ordered, in diplomatic terms, the removal of Shamir. Shamir represented a clear and present danger to a UN 242 based resolution - the foundation on which the Oslo Accords are based. That Baker speech directly to Shamir's American supporters may have been the last straw that removed a racist from the Israeli Prime Minister's office.

The US government has previously removed Likud governments because Likud government have a long history of making peace impossible.

You may not have known of James Baker's speech. It was not widely understood by the press at that time. But if your news sources are responsible, then you remember the whole week of news stories on how Shamir refused to go to Madrid. The 'real news' press understood that Shamir "I don't want to go mommy" story and reported it almost every night that week. You should have remembered those events.

We annually purchase rights to manipulate the Israeli government and have done so previously. Clinton's published solution to an Israeli Palestinians settlement scares the shit out of racist, right wing Israelis - including Likud. Clinton came close to getting an Arafat / Barak agreement. But because racism is so strong in Israel, then Clinton's proposals again rallied racist Israeli parties to install the worst of the worst racists - Ariel Sharon.

George Jr has done something unique and destructive to America's Israeli policy. Geroge Jr became disengaged. He left events to solve themselves meaning that extremists again control Israel without American interference. Colin Powel has not made the situation any better by calling Arafat 'not in touch with reality'. The reality is that Middle East peace is maintained often because American governments have directly acted to remove Likud Prime Minsters. As Sycamore has noted, look at how many Isreali PMs in the past ten years as racist Likud members are removed only to be replaced again by fearful, Zionist and racist, Israeli extremist voters.

The Palestinian Israeli question will only be settled when extremist Likud governments are removed. After all, name an Isreali peace settlement that occurred under an extremist Likud government? It takes moderates with balls, such as Rabin, to go to the peace table. America has previously driven racists out of Israeli governments by withdrawing support to Israel. Up until last month, George Jr never did that. Now and maybe Geroge Jr will drive the dichead Ariel Sharon from power - in part, because the WTC was destroyed.

Apprecitate why the US cannot ignore the western Middle East.

Last edited by tw; 10-08-2001 at 06:20 PM.
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