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Old 05-17-2003, 11:30 AM   #22
Umm ... yeah.
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Arkansas, USA
Posts: 949
     Scott, calm down dude.
     I'll be happy to concede that they knew something was suppose to happen on 9/11. Hell, I knew that and I'm just some guy in Arkansas. The Isrealis told us something was supposed to happen that day. Janes reported it. And yeah, the fact that planes were used is no surprised.
     So, can you prove anything? Look, I hate Bush too, but going around name-calling and making accusations that will never come to anything effects nothing and changes no ones mind. Calling someone a crooked, elitist fuck is pointless even when it's an accurate description. Cool down and I'm sure that you can resonably find something about Bush that everyone hates. Without polarizing people by getting hardcore anti-Bush. All that does is make people back Bush more.
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