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Old 03-11-2008, 06:43 PM   #49
Hi just me
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Australia
Posts: 108
I don't think it's silly to blame homeowners at all. IMHO if you listen to a bank you're a bit of a dill. It's like trusting a politician.

We'll be having three rate rises before june this year. The first one has just happened. If people havent factored in fluctuations in the market then they have no business in receiving a loan. The banks arent going to help you, so it is left up to the individual to work things out for themselves
But hey what do I know, I don't own a mobile phone nor an answering machine nor any credit cards. Ha, maybe that makes me a Hick but I'm not about to lose my home nor any of my pocessions because a bank told me a lie. They didn't tell me a lie because i didnt' listen to them in the first place.
People can blame the big banks all they wish, but when it comes down to it, it was their individual choice.
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