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Old 03-17-2008, 03:15 PM   #10
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That is my conclusion as well, Flint, but I found myself curious about what route different dwellars would take to their conclusions.

For me I look at it and see a woman who is 22 and has been here illegally for 11 years. During that time she has received a free education. She has worked sporadically in a low end job that most likely offered no medical insurance even when she was working. She popped out 2 babies (aren't they precious?) which was probably also paid for in the AHCCS system. Now she gets in an accident, which is tragic. Fortunately for her, she was here in the valley where we have some fantastic medical care available. She received nearly a half million dollars worth of that care, none of which will she have to pay for. (and none of which is now available in the system for legal US residents)

After the emergency portion of her care ended it was decided that she needed further care so the hospital paid for her charter flight to mexico. She is now in Mexico, where she is a legal resident and has received well over a half million dollars in various benefits paid for by US taxpayers.

I don't see a problem here, other than the fact that she was able to live here illegally for 11 years without being caught. Oh yeah, I guess I have a beef with the idea that the US in general, or the Hospital specifically should do more.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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