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Old 03-19-2008, 12:35 PM   #9
Snooty Borg
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 81
There are of course obvious problems with laying claim to territory occupied by violent natives, which has been solved conveniently by keeping their specific claims secret and without physical presence... Which really means that they are not claims at all, right? Considering the land is occupied by almost certainly violent natives and governments, it seems highly impractical to ever succeed in this area.

Second, their social order is composed of "castes". There are various civilian castes which don't really matter, since the society is actually controlled by a military junta. Additionally membership in the "warrior" caste is by birth alone, which makes them a form of royalty. Of course all of this is tempered by their responsibility to protect the people with their lives, defending their borders and territory with... OH WAIT, they don't HAVE any territory that they will admit to, and no physical presence anyway!

The impracticality of actually acquiring territory is in the benefit of the Royal Family (yeah, yeah, "warrior caste"), because by never indicating exactly what they intent to take over they effectively dodge all societal duties while running the whole show. Considering the "show" is "We have all the guns so we are in charge" and basically equates to an alleyway mugging, I rate this government an F- in quality and consideration.
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