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Old 03-25-2008, 07:33 AM   #102
Banned - Self Imposed
Join Date: Dec 2005
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date Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 3:42 AM
subject A rough Easter Sunday! all day event!

Well Easter Sunday started off at first light with a rocket attack here
in the Green Zone. They came really close to me and my area, I spent @ a hour in my bunker hearing the rockers pound the complex. It was a bit spooky for I could hear the rockets striking in groups of 2-3 in one area and than more off to another area and striking again in groups of 2-3. The patterns were all pretty tight and they were definitely going after a specific target. Well during the day we had 4 separate attacks.

Starting at 06:00 am and the last one was at 8:00 pm. I was in my bunker for 3 of them and the other one I was at the embassy for the attack. In the end, there were 2 American soldiers wounded, several vehicles destroyed, couple building hits and a petroleum fire started. It was pretty intense! I started out in the morning with myself and one other solider going to the bunker, by the last rocket attack, 8:00 pm, I was in my bunker and now there are 16 other soldiers who now come to my bunker. Well we do not turn any fellow soldiers away no matter how many show up, so we all make room for whoever needs to get in. I guess I am getting popular!

On the down side, I saw the next morning that we had a few people who got really rattled and seem to be "shell shocked". We try to talk to them and let them know that these types of attacks happen for you are in a war zone in down town Baghdad surrounded on all sides by @ 8 million Iraqi who wish you harm and really do not like you and you have to just deal with it! You got to take precautions in your movements in the area and increase your situational awareness, (SA), of what is going on around you at all times! All of these people are pretty new here and have many more months to go so you try to get them to relax or else they will burn out!

One of the fellows was talking to one of his men and giving him the
"Baghdad spin"......You can not take killing or getting killed personally for it is an everyday thing in here need to take precautions for yourself and your buddy, but when it is your time to go, it is time to go...this is Baghdad..."it is all good". (a very different perspective on things!!! a strange view of things in the Army, but this is Baghdad.)

Well it made for a long busy Easter, no bunny showed up and we had no egg hunt. I hope yours was a lot better!

" egg hunt!"
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