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Old 03-31-2008, 06:52 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by spudcon View Post
Despite all the rhetoric about gas prices, Iran declared war on America when it invaded American soil in 1979, taking over the Tehran American Embassy, killing Americans there, and holding the rest hostage and torture.
Or that war started when America deposed the Iranian government, imposed a government upon the Iranian people, and then provided that government with weapons, support, and money to protect it against the people. Invading an embassy to kidnap its people (without torture) is trivial compared to imposing a government upon an entire nation.

Is this too simplistic? So are those who think the Iranian hostage crisis was anything more than two nations flaying against each other rather than listening. A problem created because each called the other an enemy and then imposed a worst policy of "not talking to an enemy".

Meanwhile, when a nation or a world uses it resources wastefully (does not innovate), then those resources become both scarce and expensive. In oil's case, prices returned to what they once were.
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