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Old 04-05-2008, 10:06 AM   #104
Banned - Self Imposed
Join Date: Dec 2005
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date Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 4:08 AM
subject Are you ready to run at midnight?

Well it looks like the shelling has slowed down a bit so I moved back
to the hooch for a decent night sleep. Nigel came back with me from out of the Palace/Embassy harden shelter, (the homeless/boys town shelter I call it) Well we got our hooch set back up for when you go to sleep at night. You got to make sure your are "Ready to Run!" Well I had to set things back up, have the soft shoes on the floor next to the bed ready to slip on, side arm in my holster hanging on the bed with all spare magazines attached. I keep the M-16/A4, (when I have it) inside my wall locker with several spare magazines attached. We do not keep the weapons locked and loaded in the hooch for safety, but we can very quickly get them locked and loaded. Keep the body armor and helmet in a chair next to the foot of the bed in the ready position so you can load it on. You just don't "slip" into the 45 pound of Kevlar so you got to get it on and then grab the rest of your stuff and head out to the bunker. Well we had to do it last night/early this morning and all went well in my hooch, no accidents or incidents. Unfortunately some other person in another hooch ended up breaking his leg pretty bad trying to get to his bunker.

So now that "Crash" is getting ready to come over here to Baghdad and help us out, he may need to practice so he can do the "Hooch Scoot" when he has too. Well you need to put a broom and a couple cans of canned vegetables under your bed, ( to simulate his M-16/A4 and ammunition magazines) and a 40 pound bag of potatoes next to the bed, (to simulate the body armor). What you have to do is wake up at 1 am, sit up in bed clap your hands and yell "incoming". "Crash should jump up right out of bed, put his shoes on, reach under the bed and get the broom and the cans run over and pick up the potato sack and head down stairs out the garage and see if he can crawl up one of the parked cars. If he can do that in 90 seconds or less he is ready to come on over here to Baghdad and live in a "hooch". Now remember he should show up here with that good shovel and metal pail so he can help do some upgrades, if needed to his bunker. Well let me know how he is doing in his Baghdad deployment training!

CDR "Beat feet to the Bunker" USN
There's an alternate reality for ya - huh? When is this insanity going to end?

Take care of yourself buddy - come home in one, live piece please. I'm prayin for you.
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