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Old 04-14-2008, 08:39 AM   #10
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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My Dad bought my Mum an engagement ring last year.
He would have had to borrow money in order to buy her a ring at the time, and she'd already expressed her unhappiness at the fact he was in debt.

And they reached their 40th wedding anniversary this year, so it's not a bad way to start!

Don't forget, you're the one doing the proposing, so to you it is already an established fact and of course you want to make it more special. But for her, she is being proposed to - it's a huge thing and the ring is a very distant second. She will always remember being asked to marry you - ring or no ring.

It's great that you have thought about this so carefully and considered her tastes and beliefs. I'm sure your girlfriend will appreciate it when you do get round to having that conversation.
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