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Old 04-19-2008, 06:55 PM   #31
Constitutional Scholar
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Originally Posted by euphoriatheory View Post
Now.... Radar, you're right. That was too general a statement regarding private schools. Some are great and some suck. I just know that I didn't take too kindly to homeschooling, partially because my parents were ill-equipped to teach us, and partially because kids lose a lot of socialization that way, which is a necessary skill to get by professionally. It might not be a graded subject in public or private schools, but it's definitely something you learn there!

The social skills argument really holds no water. Home schooled kids don't live in a bubble. They still have friends. They join the scouts, little league, play in the neighborhood with other kids, some go to church, etc.

They have plenty of time to learn the intricacies of social interaction without going to a school where they are more likely to get a subpar public education and to be taught that government is the solution to every problem when in fact governments are usually the cause. I'd like my kids to have a better shot at succeeding in school and in the workplace when they get older.

As a father, this is one of the best things I can do for my daughter and her future brother. I'd truly love to be able to stay at home with my daughter to give her a great education. I'm fully confident in my ability to teach math, science (biology, physics, etc), grammar, geography, political science, history, literature, civics, and linguistics at least to college levels. The only areas where I'd probably be weak are sociology, theater <i>(I work for a movie company and know a lot of actors so I'm sure I could get help I live near a million acting schools)</i>, P.E. <i>(I could cover this by enrolling her in swimming or karate or another such class and by playing with her inthe park)</i>, etc.

I might have to send her somewhere else to learn tact. I've been told I don't know much about it.
"I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death."
- George Carlin
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