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Old 04-21-2008, 12:32 PM   #2
changed his status to single
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Right behind you. No, the other side.
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Well, let's see.. there was the one where I reluctantly allowed myself to be set up with someone. She let me know that she doesn't kiss on the first date as a means of breaking the ice. Um, ok. Strange, but fair I suppose. On the drive to the restaurant I realized she was amazingly annoying as she complained about everything from the fact that I drive a foreign vehicle and my choice of livelihood to the general lousy quality of men in the world. OK, lady, I get it, you've been screwed over. Then when we were sitting at dinner she mentioned she was "a little OCD" and promptly started rearranging our table in a very specific manner. Um, whatever. Then she started rearranging the empty table next to us. Um, how long do I have to sit with this chick before I just get up and leave? Is it rude to just give her cabfair home?


I can't complain though, the other time that friend set me up was a complete success. The lady and I had been enjoying eachother at dinner for a little while when she quite bluntly asked, "we're going to end up in bed aren't we?" I promptly got the check and we checked into the Hilton across the street. That was a completely delightful weekend.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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