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Old 04-21-2008, 07:50 PM   #9
Sealed for your protection.
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: New Hampshire. (It's a real state. It's north of Boston.)
Posts: 71
lookout, you blew my damn story out of the water.

All I ever had was this one guy who dug up my profile on Yahoo about 4 years ago... we'd both gone to the same college, so it wasn't as weird as I initially thought. I actually remembered having a few classes with him. I had just broken up with my "oh-my-God-I'm-in-love!!!" boyfriend (who, by the way, is now my husband) and I was feeling a little vengeful, so when Ben asked me out, I complied.

It took about 15 minutes before I realized he had a severe case of self-pity. None of his relationship ever worked, he really hated his job, even though he made a CRAPLOAD of money, his parents hated him, he had no friends, etc., etc., etc. I just grinned and ate my dinner, sat through the movie, and went home.

Two days later he called me demanding to know what made him worthy of even getting one date with me. Holy God. I'm not even kidding. I spent 3 hours on the phone with this kid telling him why he was decent enough to go on living.

Three days after this, he messages me online to see what I'm up to for the weekend. I tell him (truthfully) that I'm going to the beach with my father, my sister and my grandparents on Sunday for a family get-together. I don't see my grandparents that often, so this is important. I won't be able to do anything with him.

So he shows up at my house that morning with 2 dozen donuts and a box-o-joe from Dunkin Donuts. I roll my eyes and briefly reflect that I have never told him where I live, much less given him directions.... My dad is weirded out about being around this random guy, so I climb in Ben's car and we drive the hour out to this beach to meet my grandparents. He spends the entire time telling me how he doesn't even deserve to be in my presence. (I think to myself, "GET SOME COUNSELING!!!!!")

I ignore him the entire day at the beach, which he spends talking to my grandfather. Perhaps he will get the hint. But he doesn't. He drives me home, insists on staying to watch 3 movies, and finally leaves when I insist he has to go because we both have to work the next day. He tries to kiss me. I deflect it.

The very next night, I get an e-mail with a picture of a ring from Cartier. My jaw drops. I actually checked the website--the ring retails for $30,000. My jaw dislocates. I dial the phone, tell Ben that we can no longer see each other if he cannot possibly pause to think that HE might be worth someone's time, or that $30,000 might be better spent on a new car or a house than a ring for a girl he's been on two dates with. I hang up. I eventually stop hearing from him.

Let this be a lesson to anyone single here.... please, for the love of God, do NOT try too hard. It only makes you look INSANE.
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