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Old 04-23-2008, 10:24 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by BeltNah View Post
I wonder who is going to foot the BILL
Why would so much money be spent? The F-111 is historically one of the worst operational aircraft in the world. A product of micromanagement by top generals, admirals, and Secretary of Defense to make the plane they thought engineers would design. It was designed during John Kennedy's administration. So unreliable that an Admiral named Thomas "Tom Cat" Connolly all but lost his job by telling the truth about that crappy F-111.
There isn't enough power in all Christendom to make that airplane what we want!
Fortunately, smart Senators loved his honesty. In his honor, the F-14 is named the TomCat - because he told the truth - was politically incorrect and therefore patriotic - about that 'should be scrapped and buried deeply' F-111.

The F-111 that was designed as a fighter was so bad as to be reduced to only a bomber. Best thing done to that plane - scrap it for parts.
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