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Old 05-05-2008, 05:25 AM   #6
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
Oh dear God that's just pathetic.

We recently had a little problem in council when a conservative male councillor was discussing what may or may not be appropriate language to use when discussing LBGT people. In the discussion he used the word 'poof'. One of the councillors (a Liberal Democrat) who happens to be a lesbian (and, btw Sundae, yes she does represent Hebden Bridge :P) took him to the standards board. The standards board found no fault to answer and she took it further and we ended up with an appeal that cost the tax-payer £ appeal that found no fault to answer.

How pathetic is that?

With all the real battles to fight doesn't it just make you sick when people play games like this? What a long and rocky road it's been to get to the stage when it's not acceptable for a boss to slap his secretary's arse and pay her less than an equivalent male colleague, yet we are now going to battle it out over a cowgirl on a burger, in a logo?
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