Thread: Betting tips
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Old 05-08-2008, 10:45 PM   #922
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Canada
Posts: 1,513
Everything won so far but Verlander.



Utah Jazz(-4.0) vs LA Lakers

lol @ the Jazz being 4.0 point favorites here.

Bet on the LA Lakers


Pittsburgh Penguins vs Philadelphia Flyers

At least in this game 1 in Pittsburgh, you gotta like the Penguins.

Bet on the Pittsburgh Penguins



Toronto Blue Jays @ Clevland Indians
Halladay - Sabathia

The line-ups are leagues apart.
Sabathia is also a better pitcher than the Doc.

Bet on the Clevland Indians


Baltimore Orioles @ Kansas City Royals
Trachsel - Meche

Meche came back to his old self in his last start.
You can expect him to continue his good showing against this weak team.

Bet on the Kansas City Royals


Colorado Rockies @ San Diego Padres
Cook - Peavy

Betting against Peavy so far this year has paid off.
No reason to stop now with these kind of odds.
Cook can have another quality start against the weakest line-up in the game.

Bet on the Colorado Rockies


Chicago White Sox @ Seattle Mariners
Contreras - Silva

I like what I've seen from Contreras so far.
He is capable of blanking a team like Seattle on a good day.
The white sox bats are on fire and will innevitably score.

Bet on the Chicago White Sox

pls stfu k thx
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