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Old 06-04-2003, 05:17 PM   #18
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 71,105
She's insanely frustrated, and believes herself to be a worthless, inadequate woman who can't even please her own man. What little self-confidence she had has been completely obliterated, as she completely blames herself for everything. To be fair, she does say that he's selfish for not trying.
WTF! They both knew he was gay but decided to try to make a marriage. He failed and she thinks its her fault. What kind of retarded shit is that? How in hell is it her fault? I'll bet a years pay she thought, as soon as we have a baby everything will be just story book perfect. My god, how many people have made that stupid mistake. The shame is, then they dump a kid into their mess. Wake up world, a kid(s) solves nothing.
She can tell he's not enjoying sex because he makes faces? Bwhahahahahahahahahaha. If you ever watched someones face while their having sex (not on camera) you'd think they were being tortured. Except the wives that have a sandwitch and do their nails, that is.LOL
Anyway, what to do? The only way they can stay together is if they both get it through their thick fucking heads that neither one of them is a failure. Be realistic about what their situation is. Decide if there is enough love and common interest (NOT THE KID) to stay together without a "normal" sexual relationship. They can still have sex but it will have to be tailored to their tastes. If they can't do ALL of those things, and I doubt if their religion will let them, then they're better off apart.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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