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Old 06-12-2003, 08:26 AM   #12
Kate in the City
Fhqwghads Lovechild
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Posts: 11
It's a little generalized, don't cha think? What if Montreal put up a little coup d'etat, and the federal government sent in forces to deal with it. Anglophones would no doubt cheer in the streets and welcome the controled force, but I doubt you'd see many staunch separatists smiling.

In any case, there are always going to pro-ist and con-ist groups to deal with. Being on the outside, our job is to observe carefully and, as much as the media pumps it to us, not necessarily see what we want to see.

Go ask a Shi'ite, who thinks he has just as much right to be the majority (ergo government) of Iraq, what he considers a 'moderate' Iraqi. I doubt it's in his vocabulary. Democracy is great.. and separation of state and religion is great.

The question is, are they ready for it? And as a democracy (majority).. do they want it?
But then again, that's just my $0.02 ($0.0148 USD).
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