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Old 06-15-2003, 12:44 PM   #1
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
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6/15/2003: Palestinians swarm for body parts

Little Green Footballs is my source for these shots. LGF is roughly dedicated to documenting radical Islamism and its activities and results, and has found this odd practice of Palestinians. When the IDF blows up one of the bad guys via a missile attack, tons of Pals rush the scene in a frenzy, searching for body parts. When they find something they hold it up and treasure it, sometimes parading it through the streets in a fervor, chanting Islamic slogans.

On the face of it, these things seem barbaric. LGF's tendency is to label the Pals a sort of blood cult, with children being taught hatred and death and destruction from infancy.

I do think that's a part of it. Even with the understanding that LGF is heavily biased, the factual information it presents just can't be ignored. It shows that the Palestinian leaders have cultivated the radical elements of their society for a very long time. It ensures a ready stream of suicide terrorists. It produces a public actually happy with the terrible conditions that result from complete economic collapse and disorder. (Their fervor instructs them that things are actually going well, y'see...)

While our natural western tendency is to find some kind of moral equivalence here, in fact doing that kind of thing often produces a complete misunderstanding of the real situation, and an instinct to explain away behavior like this.

In this case I feel we shouldn't. Whatever your political leaning, drop it; this is a cultural/religious thing. Their reaction to death is to truly celebrate it in detail as a victory for their side... no matter who dies. They love the death. That's wrong. No moral equivalence this time. Sorry.
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