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Old 06-14-2008, 07:02 AM   #12
High Propagandist
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 112
Originally Posted by smoothmoniker View Post
I reject the premise. I don't think "partisan politics" is a bad thing.

Take the issue of taxation. I vote for representatives who share my view on taxation. I think it is in the best interest of everyone to have a minimally intrusive government in the economic workings of society.
Would you like to return to the days of snake oil salesmen and rats being ground up along with hamburger to be sold as food?

There are other people who believe that it is in the best interest of everyone to have a government that actively redistributes the wealth of its citizens.
I am not in favor of government re-distribution of wealth. But as a conservative I am opposed to the mass concentration of wealth and poverty since either one can threaten societal cohesion.

I want my representative to be partisan on this issue. I expect it of them. I consider the good faith of my vote for them to have been violated if they choose the false value of "reaching across the aisle" over honoring the integrity of my vote for them.
What happens if partisanship leads to things like gerrymandering and you end up living in a district where people with your political views are in the minority?

What happens if partisanship prevents the government from dealing with problems that individuals and private enterprise cannot or will not deal with?
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