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Old 07-10-2008, 07:40 AM   #3
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
I spent my lunch break watching clips from Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. Which after all makes being a ho look like being in a sorority (no dig intended).

So I am happy to be a post whore this afternoon.

When I first started my anti-depressants I was in a very bad way.
I couldn't do anything. Including wash. I noticed that the pills gave me a very meaty scent. As opposed to the vinegar scent I had when (for valid reasons) I'd had to go a couple of days without washing properly (festivals, broken plumbing etc).

So today, when I smelt a really meaty smell drifting through the office I was slightly paranoid. I didn't connect it consciously, but thought it must be me immediately. When my colleague came in with a bowl of chilli I put the various thoughts together and relaxed.

But apparently smell is the best trigger for memory.
Took me right back to those horrid days.
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