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Old 07-13-2008, 09:02 AM   #3
Imigo Jones
Tornado Ali
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Used to be woods in town on prairie; now Emerald City
Posts: 82

The closer you look, the more interesting certain parts do become.
You have to admit the guys . . . can paint.
They can, somewhat, Sundae Girl. Overall, it's pretty cartoony and jumbled, like cluttery illustrations for a children's book. Some of the details are cool, though, showing imagination and craftsmanship beyond what we might typically think of as grafitti. Then again, the faces remain cartoony:

One of several renditions of the Hummel Girl from Ipanema.

Originally Posted by skysidhe View Post
A mural in keeping with the landscape would have been more fitting. I can't stand the fact that someone ghetto-ized a historic monument
If that's Brazilian ghetto, skysidhe, it's way more colorful and whimsical than American ghetto. Local grafitti I notice generally consists of that ugly urban gothic lettering (as often seen in NBA and rap stars' tats, only done way too hastily) simply paying tribute to Chicago gangs with local branches or to the taggers themselves.

Disregarding the castle and considering this just as a painting, or as many paintings thrown together, there are parts that have merit. Even taking the castle itself into the equation, parts of the painting work:

In this detail, the stones in the water and along the bank somewhat relate to the castle's stonework.

Here the artists work the architectural elements of their "canvas" into the painting in a creative, appealing way.

I do agree that it's a shame to do this to a historic site. If it is only done for the short term "to draw more tourists to help pay for the massive cement job," though, as Bruce figures, then maybe no permanent harm done. That's assuming the earl doesn't call in the artists to paint the redone walls, too!

The worst aspect of this painting may be in its total disregard for the greater visual context, its zero "keeping with the landscape," as you put it, skysidhe. For it's not just an isolated painting in a frame but architectural design, which--whether part of a cityscape or plopped down in the woods--should harmonize with its surroundings. So, if you want to paint a castle turret, how about something less obtrusive:

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