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Old 07-17-2008, 01:31 PM   #26
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Calm. Down.

Public schools are not an utter failure. There is a place for private schools, but that place is not "No public schools". Public education is a crucial part of the foundation of our national capital, our civic infrastructure. We could no more have only private schools than we could have only private roads, or only a private military. Your hyper-allergic reaction to all things governmental is causing an overreaction here.
What it takes to make a school system succeed are good teachers who engage kids and keep their attention. It takes an environment that kids enjoy and where kids don't fear getting shot or beaten by gang members. It takes a flexible curriculum and it takes parental involvement in the process.
Right! And this in no way precludes the idea of a public school system.

You don't want *your* kid to go to public school, fine. But that does not give you license to burn down the whole public education system.

[grumble]..teach kids to rely on government for everything... what a maroon[/mumble]
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