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Old 07-01-2003, 11:49 AM   #5
99 44/100% pure
Infrequently Astonished
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Baltimore metro area
Posts: 324
Hijacking my own thread . . .

I just looked, and those scrolling electronic boards can be had for about $200, plus modifications to make them usable in a car. Oh, well, it'll have to go on the list after get AC fixed, kids' camps, cat food, etc.

The guy that got me started on this thread this morning was a Supreme Jackass™ in a Cadillac Escalade (Ess' - ca - laid lat. 'I am an asshole, lookit me driving this bigass car') who decided that now that the US Supreme court has overturned sodomy laws, he was gonna buttfuck me right through the windshield. We were going 65 mph in pretty heavy traffic, and he was so close I couldn't even see his license plate.

Yeah, his $54,000.00 deal entitles him to ram his 5641 lbs. up anyone's ass who dares to get in His way.

Overcompensating for the 0.56% that is irredeemably corrupted.
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