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Old 08-07-2008, 01:57 PM   #2338
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
Join Date: Jun 2006
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It just never ends. I have these friends, a married couple, who have split up and gotten back together I don't know how many times. They are both heavy drinkers, and they are fun until they get to a certain point and then it's either they are fighting or they are talking at the same time and getting louder and louder. After they reach a point, it's time for me to go.

Last night I stopped at the club for some beers and conversation, and they came in. We were sitting on the patio having a nice time when all of a sudden they were fighting again. I have told them I can't deal with their conflict, and can't be around it (watching this kind of thing brings back bad memories and makes me sick to my stomach and I just can't stand it.) I told them to stop hurting each other, and I went home. It didn't help that Homeless Guy then came home from the bar with his sister and was bitching about her saying he could have done this or that in his life. I get crap all day at work. J & R had my stomach in knots, then HG starts in with his WAaaa-waaa crap. Mad because he doesn't like what his sister says about his DJ'ing when he hasn't had a job in I don't know how long? How much can he keep taking, and why can't I be mean and stop giving and kick him out on his ass.

J calls today here at work and was telling me that R is saying he wants a divorce. I can talk to her, and listen, but she wanted to know if I wanted to go out later. I don't get off work until at least 6:30 tonight, probably later to finish something I am working on. I am not a good friend I guess, but I don't know how to help them, or her. I see them both at fault. LIke I said, because of some things I have been through I get physically ill watching people hurt each other like that.

I don't know...I try to keep my spirits up but why does the world seem hell-bent on making sure all I see are rainclouds?

A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones who need the advice.
--Bill Cosby
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