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Old 08-09-2008, 06:10 PM   #8
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 16,493
When my Mum was dying, I was watching her favourite show with her on telly one night, and it occured to me that she'd never get to see how certain storylines would turn out. It's hard to explain how that felt to me, but I think it was right at that point that I realized she really would be gone.

After Mum had passed on and some time had passed, I reflected on this thought and realized that it really didn't matter that much. That just because she wouldn't get to see it, didn't mean that the story wouldn't continue. Much the same as the life of everything around her. As it will when my turn comes and I am gone.

At first these thoughts really bothered me, but now I don't worry. I don't really know what will happen, and worrying about it isn't going to change what will happen, so I'll just try and live my life with honour and integrity and what will be will be.
Kind words are the music of the world. F. W. Faber
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