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Old 08-21-2008, 08:49 PM   #1
Maui Nick
... is not really in Maui. Weird, huh?
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Near the beach
Posts: 153
Tropical Storm Fay ...

... has been sitting on top of my house for three months.

Hmmm ... may have overstated that just a bit. More like two days. It just seems like three months since I've seen the sun and haven't listened to the weather radio beeping madly every few hours with a new alert.

Could be worse, I suppose ... folks about 50 miles (80km) south of me are dealing with major flash-flooding, backed-up sewers, ruined houses and snakes and alligators swimming through the streets. Where I live, we've actually been in the eye of this wanna-be hurricane for 24 hours or so, thus avoiding the worst of the rain.

The worst part has been my mother buzzing my cell phone every three hours wanting to know if I'd heard anything about power outages in her area. (No, Mom, I haven't. If your power is still on, then the power in your area isn't out. )

The National Hurricane Center swears this storm is moving off but it sure doesn't feel that way. Local TV says it's moving out to the west-northwest at a whopping 2 mph. I'd actually welcome back the winds and heavy rains; that would mean the thing is moving off finally.
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