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Old 09-03-2008, 08:20 PM   #15
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
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UT, that's what I was gonna say when I read the first post. I don't mind swearing when it's used in an appropriate context for an understandable reason. It annoys me when people use it just for the hell of it, just to be doing it, just 'cause they can.

I don't use profanities that much, but when I need to, I like to be able to use at least mild ones. Like up there in that last paragraph, for the hell of it. Some people would freak about that. Like my daughter. If I say, "don't be a smart-ass" she has a hizzy fit; I'm supposed to say "smart aleck" but that isn't what I mean. I mean smart-ass!!!

But to go back to the question - no, I don't think the Internet will be regulated like that. I think SOME places will be, as they are now. Just like real life.
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