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Old 09-05-2008, 04:41 AM   #2455
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Ahhh, Binky that's tough.
The most positive way to address it in your head is that whatever she has, she has had for some time and at least it will now be addressed and treated medically.

Syc - I feel your pain. Over the years I have yo-yo'd up and down, but my ups are gettign higher and higher. I fear I will end up one of those women I occasionally see who are in motorised chairs because they are too fat to walk (and I assume have other obesity related health issues). Either that or I'll be the raddled old crone who came in with greasy hair, dirty clothes and counted out her coppers for a pint of Stella the other night. Although I think she had mental health issues to be fair - she could have bought alcohol from a shop much cheaper.

The nurse who runs the weight loss clinic is back at the doctors this week. I've been meaning to call for an appointment, but when I remember the office is full. It's empty now... but by the time I call and explain and wait and blah blah blah I bet someone will walk back in.

Damn - I was in at 09.00 this morning (we don't usually open until 10.00 but an artist wanted an early start). Should've called then.

Keep us updated.
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