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Old 09-06-2008, 10:39 PM   #36
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1,539
Yet again, life demonstrates why I have no friends IRL.

I invited my friend J. over with her daughter, who is my daughter's age, to have a cookout and swim today. This was planned a week ago, for this afternoon. Well, she never called, which isn't a big deal, I just assumed it wasn't happening. Not like I went out and bought steaks and sat by the phone. But she just called a little while ago saying why she got busy...hell, I was busy too, today wasn't a good day for us either. Tomorrow's out. Next weekend is booked too. The weekend after that as well.

It's sad that my life is so busy I haven't got time to get together with my friends. It's doubly sad that even if I did have time, they wouldn't.

Seriously. There are a lot of ladies I meet that I think might be good candidates for a real friendship, but when the hell can we do anything about it? "How 'bout Friday?" "No, we have soccer...Sunday afternoon?" "No, we're going to my in-laws. Tuesday night?" "No, that's our scout meeting." Etc., etc., etc.


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