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Old 07-10-2003, 02:32 AM   #8
a real smartass
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Kirkland, WA
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Is Jesus God, or was Jesus created by God? Are they similar, or are they the same thing? Christians warred and killed each other over this question for centuries. Is this justified, because if someone believed that Jesus was not God but God's son, they would be praying to a false diety and potentially (probably) go to Hell as a result?

You have stated that faith in the Bible requires some circular reasoning (I believe that it what you said). This implies to me that the Bible makes sense and verifies itself as being accurate and true, if the observer already believes that the Bible is true. From my perspective, it does not give the doubter reason to believe that it is true. This is also my perspective and problem with being awed by Christ: while impressive, what he is not spectacularly impressive if you do not take the Bible's word for his supernatural miracles, and being the son of God.

Mohammed, by contrast, did very impressive things, that seem to be possibly beyond the reach of a normal man; he excelled in so many different ways. I might be willing to stretch that he had God's help. The Islamic and Jewish view is that Jesus was one of the great Prophets but not Christ. In the 'Finger of God' Someone scowled at the Jews for not accepting Jesus' take on religion, why not scowl at Christians for not accepting Mohammed's take on religion? What would convince me, as someone who does not already wholly believe in the Bible, that Christianity is more valid than Islam or Judaism?
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