Thread: Dear Mr. Obama
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Old 09-11-2008, 12:17 PM   #48
Constitutional Scholar
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
Explain why every American general who led men in Iraq and then retired said the war was wrong; a waste of American treasure. That video could have been replayed word for word in Nam. Everything said in that video was also said in Nam. And what do we know? That was why the Pentagon Papers were so earth shattering and why government so fears their release. All that same rhetoric was used during Nam and exposed as misguided lies by the Pentagon Papers.

No matter how many die in a worthy cause, the cause is a lie when the leadership violates every basic military principle even defined 2500 years ago. It is a shame how many good people were wasted only for the greater glory of George Jr (Cheney). Then shame is compounded when those people don't learn from the mistake.

Worse - the only justified war was all but surrendered by the same president. Even more treasures must be scarified to correct a mental midget's mistake made in late 2002 and early 2003. More good Americans must be wasted only because the same leaders who invented Saddam's WMDs also surrendered Afghanistan back to the Taliban.

Shame on those who so hate America as to not see how many times George Jr (Cheney) has harmed America. You were supposed to have learned these simple lessons from Nam. Those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. No open criticism of the mental midget president means American is doomed to make the same mistake in another 30 years.

Excellent post.
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- George Carlin
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