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Old 09-17-2008, 05:23 AM   #2561
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
You poor thing.
That looks hellishly painful.

A friend of mine collapsed with dehydration in a club one summer and bit right through her lower lip. She had the added indignity of the club security telling the ambulance staff that she must be on drugs and having to painfully enunciate to the hospital that she wasn't.

Hope you get fixed up as good as new!

Bad news in my life: the cleaner’s daughter brought her dog in this morning (a Staffordshire Bull Terrier no less) and it chased Diz under the floorboards in the bathroom before I grabbed it and ejected it

He can get out – he’s been down there before - but he might not want to for a few days
When I left home he was growling rhythmically, probably as much to comfort himself as in protest
He wasn’t even interested in the ham I was dangling (and enticing saying, “Look! Hammy-ham-ham!”
I'm going to go back at lunchtime and check he's okay. Well, if not okay then at least still breathing.

When I went downstairs they all found it quite funny
I think I will go round to her house and scare her dog so much that he lies under a bed whimpering and refusing to come out for days and then have a good old belly laugh about it

Present company excepted of course, but dog owners are evil. Even Jesus said so - it was cut out of the Sermon on the Mount during the Middle Ages.

Last edited by Sundae; 09-17-2008 at 05:51 AM.
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