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Old 10-03-2008, 09:38 AM   #875
polaroid of perfection
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Bought my bro two presents for his birthday. Ordered one ?five? weeks ago because it struck me as really cool. Ordered another on payday because I knew I had the money and had to get him something while I did (birthday on 13th, will have no money by then!)

I didn't exactly forget I'd ordered him something else, but it was sorta buried in my mind.

Both arrived today. One I ordered in giftwrap, so I'm not going to open the box because I won't even be able to see the present. I'll just leave it sealed and put my own address label on it.

The other... Well I knew it wasn't gift wrapped, because it wasn't offered as an option. And it took my completely by surprise when it arrived (outsize parcels come separately to normal post). So I opened it, to see if I liked it. I do. I really do.

Now bearing in mind I shouldn't really have ordered him two presents. And bearing in mind the second (wrapped) present is more suitable. And the first was paid for on the company credit card, which I have now been invoiced for and paid off (making returns a hassle)....

Okay, yes. I want to keep the first present I ordered. It's an umbrella with LED inserts. I thought it was SO cool when I saw it, I couldn't resist ordering it for Stevo. But in the mean time I remembered he isn't really an umbrella person. And the one he has is an ickle one he can fit into a voluminous coat pocket. And he's not as flamboyant as me.

Am I just being selfish because I have seen a sparkly treat and covet it? Or am genuinely worried that my gift might not hit the mark?
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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