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Old 10-24-2008, 07:37 AM   #6
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
Mostly, the dreams I remember are the ones that are so bad, I wake up in terror. That's not a good thing. I have good dreams too, but just don't remember them as easily. Most mornings I don't remember my dreams.

Last night's dream was particularly bad. It involved an old high school friend of mine, who is now a lawyer, going into a jail to try to post bond or something to get an innocent loved one out of jail, he was not allowed to and became very agitated, the guards started beating him and everyone there, including me. Then the dream was outside, and one or two bad cops were using torches and burning balls dragged on chains to round up all the people they considered to be undesirable and run them out of town. One of the bad cops got separated from the rest, and he was brutally and graphically murdered right in front of me by a couple of the victims being run out of town. Then I woke up. During the whole dream, I was a spectator or a victim, but never a person taking any action.


I used to dream I could fly. That was fun.
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