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Old 10-24-2008, 09:37 AM   #905
Looking forward to open mic night.
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Originally Posted by glatt View Post
Dude is probably starved for human contact and just goes to the coffee shop for an excuse to talk to people who have to interact with him because it's their job.
Yea, he's the maintenance guy and a regular. Even so, I think this theory might hold up. He did seem starved for attention, mine at least, because he kept interrupting what I was doing to get another word about it in. He could tell that I was slamming busy, as were the rest of the workers, and still insisted on getting his 2 cents in, in full.

I'm over it today. I obviously don't like handing out in-depth explanations, as he wasn't there to ask for them. He was there to fix a drain. I am sure he had developed a resentment against me for a couple of years without me even recognizing his face. Because that's how people are. People are whacky. They would rather make up a story line of your life than do so something so simple: introduce yourself and ask, if you are so curious!
Show me a sane man, and I will cure him for you.- Carl Jung
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