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Old 10-24-2008, 11:55 AM   #25
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I agree with Dana. Our lives are very much influenced by politics. We live in a republic disguised as a democracy. (don't know if our British friends live in a democracy or a republic - I'm sure Dana could enlighten us.

Anyway, we don't live under a monarchy or a dictatorship or a totalitarian regime. When I stayed in Latin America for a while, I was amazed at how terrified some of my friends were of their government. They could not speak out freely, elections were rigged and the poverty and suffering were truly horrendous. Most of my South American friends were young professionals with much to contribute, but the current dictatorship was more interested in raking in as many cruzero's as possible and staying in office. The government was NOT interested putting good people to work and doing something about the country's massive economic and hunger problems.

As far as pre-recorded phone calls, the Dems have hounding me to death, but I haven't heard a peep from the Republicans. My state has gone Republican since before the conquistadors arrived. I guess the polls are close enough that the Dems feel that the effort is worth it. My state would make a tasty electoral college tidbit whoever gets it this time around.
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