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Old 10-30-2001, 10:48 AM   #30
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 1,788
Originally posted by jaguar
ill jsut quickly go though a few things before changing tack

Most of them are in Palastine and surrounding areas, they've bene killing, successfully leaders recently fr months, 'copter attacks and the like. It has has little or no impact. Its like that greek/roman goddess with the smake hair thing, cut off one another regrows.
You're mixing up the Gorgons (of which Medusa was the most famous) and the Hydra. Cut the head off the Hydra, several more grow in its place. But that doesn't mean cutting the heads off isn't how to kill the Hydra -- Hercules killed it by cutting off the heads and having Aeolus cauterize the stumps.

And in any case, many of the leaders aren't in the West Bank or Gaza or anywhere Israel can operate fairly freely. Many are in Syria (Islamic Jihad, for instance). And obviously some are in Afghanistan.


Tax haven's have/are beign used by evilevil terrorist types to move money secretlywhich is why there is now a real effort to pass thsoe bills.
There's efforts to pass them now because they think they can use terrorism as an excuse. But the government just hates tax havens on principle.


I know, but europe is nowhere as bad.
(referring to the DMCA)
Actually, Europe is every bit as bad, only a few years behind. The European Union central committee has ordered all members to pass a law slightly worse than the DMCA by December 2002.
Australia has already passed a DMCA equivalent.


And oyu really think that is possible? Really? Every cell, every million? Estimated half a mil to the the WTC bombing, taht ain't much really.
You don't have to destroy every cell. Just destroy a large part of the organization. A cell structure is good for preventing a narc or turncoat from taking down the whole organization. It's not so good at remaking destroyed connections -- because limited connections is how the cell system prevents betrayals from being fatal.

Further, there are still the fixed assets -- the so called 'terrorist training camps'. Destroy those, and building new cells becomes much more difficult.


Sure, but if you remove the majority of support, you remvoe the majority of their operating capacity without shooting anyone, great eh? This is the crux of the issue, instead of shooting/bombing everyone, try dealing wiht the issues.
The crux of the issue is that you believe that at the root of the terrorism problem is a bunch of legitimate grievances against the United States.


Saudi troops are the biggest cause of tension here, heathens in thier holy land, really i cannot blame them. Its like an evengalical christian setting up camp in my room, i'd want the fucker out too.
Troops in Saudi Arabia are bin Laden's pet peeve, but Israel issues are far more important, IMO. There was plenty of terrorism before the US put troops in Saudi Arabia.


I meant push Isreal towards peace, not withdraw support, my bad on the wording.
Every time Israel moves towards peace, someone shoots up or blows up a few more Israelis. Of course, if they don't move towards peace, someone does it anyway. You can't make peace when the representatives of the warring factions aren't available for discussion, and that is the case there. Even if Israel were to make peace with Arafat, give him half of Jeruselam, the West Bank, whatever, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah and all the other terrorist organizations would still be blowing things up. As would likely parts of the PLO (even assuming Arafat himself keeps his end of the deal). It'd be a land-for-nothing deal.
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