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Old 11-07-2008, 02:22 PM   #5
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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I knew a man who got his estranged gf pregnant when he went back to see his two kids. He'd moved about 100 miles away for a new job, and was in the process of severing ties with home because all of a sudden he was considered young, free and single and was loving it. His weekends home went from fortnightly to monthly to occasionally.

He knocked her up for the third time during a guilt visit. He started seeing another woman during the pregnancy, and refused to answer his mobile phone the night his son was born because he knew it was his ex's family and he didn't want it to spoil his new gf's night out. He didn't even see his new son for a month, then went up there with stacks of presents and came back with Proud Daddy photos.


Of course I am not saying this is what happened in your case Trea, but do make sure you know the facts, and check them carefully before bringing a new man into your baby girl's life. And make sure you use contraception!

I think that's enough pushing for now.
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